The technique of Kolyvagin used to control the size of arithmetic
Selmer groups has, as input, a certain system of cohomological classes
rational points, or algebraic cycles, or elements in algebraic K-theory,
depending upon the setting) over abelian extensions of the base field.
systems have been called "Euler Systems" by Kolyvagin. As an
step in Kolyvagin's method, a given Euler System is used to construct a
specific collection of cohomology classes over the base field. It is this
collection of cohomology classes over the base field that directly
sufficiently many "local linear relations" satisfied by elements in the
Selmer group so as to obtain good upper bounds for the size of the Selmer
group. Such "collections of cohomology classes over the base field" enjoy
(somewhat surprisingly) very rigid inter-relations. Karl Rubin and I
have a
manuscript in which we study this type of structure ; we call collections
of cohomology classes satisfying these relations "Kolyvagin Systems".
These Kolyvagin Systems turn out to have especially nice, and
properties. For one thing, they seem more congenial to Galois
than are Euler systems, and they can be constructed in instances where we
have no construction, yet, of a corresponding Euler system. It is
to view the generator of the module of Kolyvagin Systems, when there is
only one generator, as something of a p-adic L-function (with values in
cohomology groups) governing the arithmetic of the situtation. The aim of
these two lectures is to elucidate this structure and its basic
arithmetic applications.